Documentation Guide

A great product with thoughtful documentation enables your users to do what they love. Learn how your team can work together to create thoughtful documentation in Confluence.

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Why Documentation in Confluence?

Confluence is ideal for modern teams who create documentation together. It's simple to use, built for collaboration, runs in a browser, and gets better with apps.

Creating Topics

Writing or organizing your documentation as topics is one way of structuring your content into separate 'blocks'.

Collaborative Writing

When teams write together, users win. Learn how to collaborate to put your best documentation forward.

Content Reuse

It's easy to implement your content reuse strategy in Confluence by creating a library of reusable content for your documentation.

Conditional Content

Groups of users may interact with your product in different ways. Perhaps some need varying information to use your product. There are several ways in Confluence to display conditional content within your documentation.


As you iterate your product, it's important to write and maintain documentation for each version. With Confluence, your team can control each change to a page and space to ensure the correct changes end up in the relevant version.

Multiple Languages

Writing for readers in multiple languages? There are several ways to manage translations.


Once your documentation is ready in Confluence, there are various ways to distribute it to your readers. Check out these customizable options for publishing.

Agile Documentation Process

There's more to writing than typing words into an editor. You need a plan and a process. Here are our guidelines for managing your team's documentation work in an agile environment.

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