
Reuse Your Content

Short description on the page

Once you've added content as Page Excerpts or within your Include Library, use macros to include that content in your documentation.

 To include an excerpt from a page or a resource page in the Include Library, use either an Excerpt Include macro or the Page Include macro.

Short Descriptions

The  Excerpt Include macro displays the excerpt from a given page in your documentation. This can be handy in a situation where you want a link to a page and display its short description, like in a list of related content.

Excerpt Include macro to reuse a short description
Short description on the page
Short description on the page

Include Library Content

The  Page Include macro displays the entire content of a given page, like a resource page in your Include Library. So whether the page has one word on it, an image, a video, or dozens of paragraphs, that same content displays where the macro is added on the page. This is a really powerful macro, and you can get very creative with how you use it in conjunction with your Include Library.

Page Include macro to reuse a video resource
Page Include macro to reuse a video resource
Reused video resource on a page

Here are a few examples of what you can do:

Ever have a banner you want to display on a collection of pages? By creating the banner in your Include Library, you can put it at the top of whatever page you'd like.

Banner resource in the include library
Page Include macro to reuse the banner resource
Reused banner resource on a page


Write text once and use it anywhere.

Text resource in the include library
Page Include macro to reuse the text resource
Reused text resource on a page


Use the Widget Connector macro to embed your videos in your Include Library to ensure your documentation has the latest versions of each.

Video resource in the include library
Video resource in the include library
Page Include macro to reuse a video resource
Page Include macro to reuse a video resource
Reused video resource on a page

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Use the Excerpt Macro in Confluence to mark a portion of content on a page for reuse. This feature is best formarking short descriptions. The short description is a paragraph describing what a page is about and is meant to help users understand quickly if the content is helpful to them.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff

If you use Scroll Versions for Confluence Server or Data Center, you can manage an include library with multiple versions and languages.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff

Resource with text for a user task In Confluence, create a rich collection of reusable content. This is known as an Include Library, made up of one or more spaces containing reusable content items.

Steffen Burzlaff Steffen Burzlaff
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