Conditional Content Management Comes to Confluence Cloud

Conditional Content Management Comes to Confluence Cloud


Conditional Content Management Comes to Confluence Cloud


Advanced conditional content management comes to Confluence Cloud! Get the right information in front of the right audience by managing variants of your content.


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Get the right information in front of the right audience by managing conditional content on Confluence Cloud!


Advanced conditional content management comes to Confluence Cloud! Get the right information in front of the right audience by managing variants of your content.


Shannon Meehan



Conditional Content Management Comes to Confluence Cloud





When it comes to sharing information with your team or writing documentation for your customers in Confluence, it’s difficult to find that sweet spot where the level of information is just right for everyone.

You’re faced with two options:

  • Generalize your content to make sense for a wider audience, but sacrifice important details that apply to specific users or groups in the process.

  • Specialize your content to better inform each audience, thereby duplicating information and potentially creating a content management nightmare for yourself and others.

Neither option is ideal, which is where conditional content can help.

K15t brings advanced conditional content management to Confluence Cloud with its app, Scroll Documents. Find out how you can get the right information in front of the right audience by managing variants of your content in a simple, accessible way.

So…What’s a Variant?

Glad you asked! Managing variants sounds more technical than it actually is. And not to worry – in this context, variants have no connection to the dreaded Greek letters associated with Covid-19. Phew.

A variant is simply the term used to describe a variation of your core content that’s been customized for a specific target group or audience. Some examples include:

  • Software documentation: You could have a variant of content for your End Users and another variant that contains more detailed documentation for Developers.

  • Team documentation: Need to compile a company handbook for a distributed team? Create a variant of your handbook for your team in Australia and another for the team in the UK.

  • Customer tier: Many products offer various pricing tiers to indicate their level of use. Manage content variants for each tier, for example Free, Pro and Enterprise.

In each instance, the majority of your content may well be the same for each audience with just slight variations here and there.

For example with software, you may want to exclude developer-focused articles from your end-user docs in order to avoid confusion, while still being able to provide all the details that developers need to be successful with your product.

By having a variant management system in place, you can easily provide for both – no matter how slight or how significant these variations may be.

Manage and Publish Content Variants with the Scroll Apps for Confluence

With Variants for Scroll Documents, you can now easily manage conditional content and publish variants of your Confluence documentation based on your audience needs. Define each audience as a variant (End User / Developer, UK / AUS, etc.), and use a simple label-based approach to tag the Confluence pages or paragraphs to be included in each.

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You may find that an article is relevant for all audiences, but that sections of content need more detail that would only be relevant to some – like a Get Started article that contains a small section that only applies to your Developer variant.

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Get granular with your content right down to the last detail with the Conditional Content macro. Make paragraphs, images, tables, lists and screenshots conditional so this content will only be included in the output of the related variant.

Publish Variants to a Help Center or Offline Documents

Ready to deliver your content to your audience? Scroll Documents integrates with other Scroll apps to enable you to publish your content to multiple formats.

With Scroll Viewport, you can transform your content into a fully-customized help center. By publishing variants of your documentation to your help center, your users have the ability to self-select the documentation that’s most relevant to them:

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Scroll PDF and Word Exporter are the most powerful apps on the Atlassian Marketplace for turning your Confluence content into beautiful, professionally-styled PDF and Word documents. Variants will enable you to deliver the right documentation in seconds by selecting from your pre-defined variants on export:

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Give it a Go

Ready to start managing variants of your Confluence content? With Scroll Documents, you’re able to create two variants per document to test the functionality. If you need more than two variants for your team’s use case, you can extend the functionality with Variants for Scroll Documents.

Variants is just one feature of a broader solution for managing your team’s knowledge and documentation in Confluence. Are you looking to better enable both your team and your customers with a flexible, extensible knowledge base or help center solution? Learn more about Scroll →

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