Information as required by §5 TMG:

K15t GmbH
Ostendstr. 110
70188 Stuttgart

Phone: +49 711 935935 30
Fax: +49 711 935935 39

CEO: Stefan Kleineikenscheidt
Registration: Stuttgart, HRB 729752
VAT ID: DE264753756

© Copyright 2010, K15t GmbH, Stuttgart, Germany

All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animation and videos and their arrangement on the K15t GmbH website are protected by copyright and subject to other protective legislation. The content of this website may not be copied, disseminated, amended or made accessible to third parties for commercial purposes. Furthermore, some pages contain images which are subject to third party copyright.

List of Guarantees

This website was prepared with the greatest possible care. Nonetheless K15t GmbH cannot guarantee that the information contained herein is accurate and free of error. K15t GmbH excludes all and any liability whatsoever for damage arising either directly or indirectly from the use of this website, insofar as this is not based on deliberate acts or gross negligence by K15t GmbH. K15t GmbH assumes no liability for its being correct, complete or up to date, nor for technical faults or other defects. Furthermore our pages are linked to several pages by other providers. We have no influence on the content, design or technical reliability of the pages of such third party providers. K15t GmbH assumes no liability whatsoever for technical faults and we disassociate ourselves explicitly from the content of all Internet sites which are connected by link or in any other way.

Comments Relating to Statute

K15t GmbH is pleased that you are visiting this website and are interested in its products. All of the personal data compiled on the website of K15t GmbH are solely stored and processed for your individual customer service, to send you product information or service offers. K15t GmbH warrants that your details will be treated in confidence in accordance with the provisions of data protection law in force and effect.

Join us at Atlassian Team '25
Join us at Atlassian Team '25

We’re premier sponsors of Atlassian Team ‘25 in Anaheim! Here’s a peek at what we’re bringing to the event this year. P.S. Use our discount code if you haven’t bought your pass yet.

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