Out of Office: K15t Team Event 2014

Out of Office: K15t Team Event 2014

Last friday, our office was closed for a special reason: We were out on this year's K15t Software team event, and we had a great time together at the beautiful Allgäu area near Oberstdorf, located in the German Alps. Get some impressions of this awesome two-day trip.


On the Move


The Team – Ready to Climb a Mountain


Snow Fun in Winter Wonderland


Scoring at the Slingshot Challenge


Enjoying Excellent Regional Drinks and Food


On Top of the 'Nebelhorn': The K15t Summit 2014


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How to Plan Your Content With Success
How to Plan Your Content With Success

Before you dive into writing, you need to align your team, define your audience, and set clear goals. That’s why planning is the first phase of "The Content Lifecycle", and we’ve broken it down step by step. Our latest article on Rock the Docs helps you lay the groundwork for success.

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