First ShipIt Day at K15t Software - Atlassian Connect Add-on for Confluence Wins Our Team Competition

First ShipIt Day at K15t Software - Atlassian Connect Add-on for Confluence Wins Our Team Competition

K15t’s first ever ShipIt Day was a runaway success – as you can see from these happy (and exhausted) faces. And at the end of an incredible day of coding, we found our winner.

This blog post gives you a flavor of K15t Software’s first hackathon, held at our headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany.


You Have 24 Hours ... Go!

Atlassian launched the  ShipIt Day to enable its employees to develop new product ideas, design interfaces or rethink existing product features. Small teams work together to create awesome solutions – and not just software products, either. And in a matter of hours, our staff came up with a host of fantastic ideas, software and concepts.

ShipIt Days help to foster creativity within the team, guided by one simple principle: “When there’s no rules, anything’s possible. Let's ship it!" We kicked off the day with a “brown bag” meeting, where K15t staff shared their ideas and formed teams of 2-3 people.

And The Winners Are ...

You could say that everyone was a winner at the K15t ShipIt Day. But after a very democratic and transparent voting process, the following teams earned their places on the podium.

Third place: 'Advanced Page Properties for Confluence' by Jens and Tobias

Metadata is key to finding and organizing content – that’s what makes it a  love note to the future. Atlassian’s answer was to provide  Page Properties. But Jens and Tobias created a dialog that allows you to edit and validate page properties, rather than managing this metadata within the Confluence page editor. Impressive!

Second place: 'Infographic' by Nils and Jochen

You don’t have to submit reams of source code to take part in this competition. Our tech writer Nils and graphic design wizard Jochen started work on an awesome infographic about Wiki-based Documentation in Confluence. The early previews look promising – but the project is still TOP SECRET! Stay tuned – you might even see the finished infographic right here on the  K15t Blog.

The winner: 'PREZZ for Confluence' by Christoffer and Stefan

Christoffer and Stefan wanted to create beautiful presentations within Confluence. They used the  reveal.js JavasScript framework to design a static Atlassian Connect add-on – and that gave them everything they needed to make jaw-dropping HTML presentations using  regular Confluence page content. Congratulations!

Another ShipIt Day? Sure thing!

We thoroughly enjoyed our first ever K15t ShipIt Day. We worked well and productively as a team. We can’t wait for the next one – when we’ll come up with even more kick-ass product ideas and prototypes.

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