All Aboard! K15t's Summer Get-Together '21
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All Aboard! K15t's Summer Get-Together '21 |
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Heavy rain, flooding and corona measures couldn't keep our spirits down! Even with some adversity, the K15t team was able to finally reunite this summer at Stuttgart's 'Riverhouse' on the Neckar. |
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Heavy rain, flooding and corona measures couldn't keep our spirits down! Even with some adversity, the K15t team was able to finally reunite this summer at Stuttgart's 'Riverhouse' on the Neckar. |
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Heavy rain, flooding and corona measures couldn't keep our spirits down! Even with some adversity, the K15t team was able to finally reunite this summer at Stuttgart's 'Riverhouse' on the Neckar. |
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Melike Taspinar |
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All Aboard! K15t's Summer Get-Together '21 |
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Strong rain showers, flooding and Corona measures – oh my. Just before K15t's summer get-together this year, you could say there were a few challenges to cope with. But like fate, the clouds finally cleared up on the day of party, the roads were cleared after all the heavy storms, and the Corona numbers sunk to a rate that we could safely be together. Perfect!
After the majority of our team had only seen one another in digital meetings for over a year, the K15t team finally reunited at Stuttgart's Riverhouse on the Neckar.
No Storm Can Keep Us Apart.
While it was still uncertain where and under which circumstances our summer get-together could take place, we have to admit one thing: Fortune was on our side!
1. First of all, special appreciation to the unknown person who canceled his/her birthday party at the Riverhouse. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to celebrate our summer party with this special beach-y feeling. Happy belated birthday, kind stranger!
2. Secondly, thanks to the authorities and to all Stuttgart residents for staying vigilant and relaxing the Corona restrictions just in time. Without that, the party could not have taken place at all.
3. Last but not least, thanks to the many clouds in the Stuttgart sky, which finally made room for plenty of sun that day.
With our stroke of luck, we were finally able to spend a wonderful evening together at Neckar Beach!
You Can Find Us Where the Music Meets the River…
After a short working day on Friday, everyone made their way to the Riverhouse by the Neckar River. With a great welcome and an exuberant champagne reception, the actual party could start. The party began with a speech by Stefan, our CEO, who thanked us for the great work over the past year, which we mastered despite all the complications.
During the evening, we were treated to delicious food and drinks by a very dedicated and friendly Riverhouse team, and our squad was finally able to spend time together face-to-face again after a year of Zoom Calls.
It was also the perfect opportunity for some new colleagues to get to know the teams in person for the first time – two of which had joined us just that week!
With a nice dinner on the Riverbeach terrace, we even had the chance to watch the two European Championship soccer games in a gorgeous vineyard setting.
It was an evening of entertaining conversations, boat tours with stunning views across the surrounding countryside, entertaining card games and great music from our K15t Spotify playlist that got everyone grooving.
These events show us again and again that we are a great team and motivate us to achieve our next goals together!
In fact, we forgot one more item on our list of lucky streaks: The happiness of being part of such a great team.