Introducing Rock the Docs: Your Team's Guide to Documentation in Confluence

Introducing Rock the Docs: Your Team's Guide to Documentation in Confluence


Introducing Rock the Docs: Your Guide for Collaboration and Documentation in Confluence


Your guide for collaboration and documentation in Confluence.


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Your guide for collaboration and documentation in Confluence.


Your guide for collaboration and documentation in Confluence.


Matt Reiner


Introducing Rock the Docs: Your Guide for Collaboration and Documentation in Confluence


Writing technical documentation as a team is difficult enough without tools and processes getting in the way. That’s why we're sharing Rock the Docs, a guide for great collaboration and documentation in Confluence.

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On Rock the Docs, you'll learn how to:

Get Started Using Confluence

From your very first time creating a Confluence page, to the very best ways to use Confluence for different use cases, we've got you covered. With articles and videos on a variety of Confluence topics, your team can get up and collaborating in no time. And once you've mastered the basics, you can dive deep into best practice articles and the documentation guide to learn how to use Confluence to do what your team does best.

Create and Review Documentation Topics as a Team

The great advantage of writing documentation in Confluence is your team can create new documentation topics and collaborate with reviewers quickly. You can create templates for each type of documentation topic your team uses, helping you create content quickly and in the correct structure. There are so many types of content you can add to each topic, from images, diagrams, and videos, to dynamic content generated on the fly with the help of Confluence macros.

When you’ve finished the first draft, your team can start providing feedback immediately, right in same system where your other work takes place.

Reuse Content and Create Conditional Content Like a Pro

You may want to do some advanced content manipulation in your documentation, like reusing content in multiple places or displaying content based on certain conditions of the user. With Confluence, you can! The guide covers how your team can create a library of reusable content for use throughout your documentation. The guide also covers various options for providing users with only the information that's relevant to them.

Publish in Multiple Languages and Versions

Does your team write for multi-lingual users? Do you iterate on your products and need to maintain changes for each version? Confluence has you covered. 

With a combination of techniques and apps in Confluence, you can manage multiple versions of your documentation, translate the content, and publish it when a new version of your product is released.

Write Your Documentation in an Agile Way

Explore how your team can incorporate documentation into the same agile process you use for product development. Agile processes reduce the amount of needless internal documentation your team creates and help deliver great documentation to your users. In fact, the key pieces of information created during an agile process translate directly into your final documentation.

Become a Confluence Champion

While you're busy writing, structuring and publishing your docs, just remember: it's never too late to revisit the Confluence fundamentals. 

The Rock the Docs guide features best practice articles and videos which will help you create Confluence guidelines in your own team. With topics like  page naming conventions and  feedback best practices, these articles will help ensure your team works quicker, collaborates better and can focus on what matters most – writing great documentation for your users.

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