Weekly Round-up: How Atlassian Tech Writers Keep Pace with Agile Development, Inspiring Headings, GPS for Writing, and More

Weekly Round-up: How Atlassian Tech Writers Keep Pace with Agile Development, Inspiring Headings, GPS for Writing, and More

Here's K15t's's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from the Atlassian Summit 2014: "K15t Software Helps Atlassian Technical Writers Keep Pace with Agile Development Teams"


K15t Software Helps Atlassian Technical Writers Keep Pace with Agile Development Teams


Here's the story how Atlassian tech writers searched a solution to keep pace with fast-moving release cycles, and found the  Scroll Versions add-on for Confluence.

Technical Communication Mistake: Replicating Old Formatting with New Tools

If your company is spending time and money on new tools, you’ve been given a rare gift: the opportunity to make changes. Thus, Alan Pringle recommends to rethink output media, formatting, and your content strategy.  Read more

A Clear Statement

Headings inspire people to keep reading and provide orientation. Markus Nickl has found ways to improve instruction manuals through the formulation of headings. His advice: "Be flexible with headings."  Read more

This Writing GPS Helps You Create Ridiculously Good Content

At times, writing can feel like birthing a Volkswagen. Ann Handley developed a road map to get your thoughts from TUFD (The Ugly First Draft) to a coherent, cogent piece of writing that others can understand and appreciate.  Read more

Your Policy and Procedures Manual as Software

This week wasn't only the  Atlassian Summit week, also a keynote from Apple took place. But instead of a new iPhone,  Jared Spool craved for HyperCards on the iPad.  Read more

Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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