Weekly Round-up: Confluence for Websites, Content Length, Search Behavior, and More
Here's K15t's's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.
This week's top story from Stefan Kleineikenscheidt: "Publishing kick-ass webpages using Confluence and Scroll Viewport at CatWorkX Midsummer Day 2014"
Publishing Kick-Ass Webpages Using Confluence and Scroll Viewport – #Confluence
Stefan Kleineikenscheidt, CEO at K15t Software, recently gave a conference talk at CatWorkX Midsummer Day 2014 about the Scroll Viewport add-on for Confluence and three options to publish Confluence content to the web. Check out the full presentation available on Slideshare.
How Long Should Your Content Be? What Works On Blogs, Facebook & More – #ContentMarketing
Based on research results, Arnie Kuenn provides some content-length guidelines, organized by content type. As an example: "The ideal length of a blog post takes visitors 7 minutes to read." (via @DigitalComBus)
Why Most People's Charts & Graphs Look Like Crap – #Infographics
Ross Crooks has collected 10 data visualization mistakes you’re probably making and the quick fixes to remedy them. "The wrong presentation can diminish the data’s message or, worse, misrepresent it entirely." (via @simplease)
The Changing Nature of Search Behavior – #Intranet
For Gerry McGovern, search is much more a psychological question than a technological one. People are only using search as an act of desperation: "Most site search is like a poisoned well" (via @LOMBARDI_GLORIA)
12 Ways to Tap Into the Content Creators Within Your Organization – #ContentStrategy
John Bottom has been figuring out a way to use all of the internal knowledge and turn it into useful content. After digging deep, he found
"The 12 Rules of Content Fracking." (via
Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?
Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.