Weekly Round-up: Content as Furniture, Feedback, Drunk Users, and More

Weekly Round-up: Content as Furniture, Feedback, Drunk Users, and More

Here's  K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from Mark Baker (Every Page is Page One): "Content as Furniture"

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Content as Furniture – #ContentStrategy

Mark Baker compares content strategy with moving a house full of books.  "Content has become a utility. Like the water and the electricity, it is just supposed to be there when you turn on the tap or the switch." (via  Techwhirl)

HipChat is now free for unlimited users  – #Atlassian


 Atlassian announces a new subscription plan that gives you unlimited HipChat users, because teams of every size deserve the power of HipChat:  "We want to show them how good chat can be when it’s actually designed for teams." (via  @atlassian)



Don’t give me feedback – #Collaboration

Why Tobias Mayer doesn't like feedback and how we can learn without feedback:  "Feedback is judgement. It creates (or reinforces) an imbalanced power relationship between the giver and the receiver of the feedback." (via  @tobiasmayer)

Scroll Versions 2.5 and Scroll Translations 1.4 released – #K15t

Our  translation and  version management add-ons for enterprise wiki Atlassian Confluence have been updated. This release enables you to publish a language to an existing space containing multiple languages. (via  k15tsoftware

The User is drunk – #UserExperience

Will Dayble about interfaces and why we should guide our users to a process as if they were drunk, not dumb:  "A person with an IQ of 160 who is drunk still has an IQ of 160. They just get more pedantic and more annoyed." (via  @ PierreBurnel)


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to  info@k15t.com.

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