The Life of a Working Student at K15t

The Life of a Working Student at K15t


Hi Jasmin! First of all, please tell us a bit about yourself and about your role at K15t.

Hi, I'm Jasmin and I'm currently studying software engineering and media informatics. Alongside my studies, I'm a working student at K15t and have the honor of supporting the team with our Atlassian Marketplace app  Scroll Viewport for Confluence. My main task is to enable customers to use our app successfully and in the best way for their team. I am in direct contact with them and provide possible solutions for their individual needs. Among other things, I also co-develop the frontend of our app.

How did you hear about the open position at K15t and what made you apply? 

My studies included a mandatory internship. However, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, I was worried that I wouldn't actually be able to work on-site in an office. I didn't want to miss the daily contact with teammates in order to really get the most out of my internship. With this in mind, I approached one of my professors for some career advice. When I mentioned my interest in startups, he immediately remembered a few fellow students from his past who launched a software company called K15t and that I should check it out. I researched K15t and was very enthusiastic about their  company vision and mission. 

I took the initiative and called the K15t office team. After a nice conversation, I sent my CV through  their career page. A day later I got an email from Stefan (Kleineikenscheidt, CEO) to arrange an introduction. The nice thing about this call was that I could be myself without having to pretend or conform to something that isn't really me. I was totally inspired by the vision of K15t, which Stefan explained to me personally. After an interview with a future teammate, I was accepted into the K15t team! When my internship came to an end, I was offered a role as a working student and stayed on with the team.

What makes working at K15t special for you? 

As a working student at K15t, you are considered a full member of the team. You are asked for your opinion and are encouraged to participate in discussions and make decisions. The atmosphere is very motivating and has a positive effect on the products we develop. Another reason working at K15t is special is the freedom and flexibility, but at the same time there's a sense of duty to the work in front of you. The people at K15t also interact in a very pleasant way. Respect and mutual understanding always play an important role when working together, and you really get the feeling that everyone in the team cares about one another. I found that to be rare at other companies.

What impact does K15t's culture have on your work?

The  K15t culture and values alone convinced me before I even started my first day, and these have been confirmed many times during my internship and now as a working student. The lived principles at K15t, lifelong learning, mutual trust within a supportive team and a positive mindset have built a work environment that I appreciate a lot. It's admirable that everyone at K15t really lives the company values, which in turn makes us all feel motivated to succeed. It makes me happy to work in such a positive environment every day where everyone has the same vision.

What's your favorite memory of working at K15t so far?

A unique event that I will always remember is  winning my first Hacketse (our 24-hour company  hackathon) together with another teammate. The event took place during my first few weeks of work and together we managed to win with our project "Offline Atlaskit". For the project, we created a sketch template for  app user interface scribbles which can be used to implement these scribbles further into the design process.

Participating in our regular Lunch & Learn meetings is also a highlight and it supports my personal development in different areas. A few weeks ago we even learned how to take awesome notes during a  sketchnotes workshop!

Enough about work, what do you do in your free time? Do you have any tips for things to do in Stuttgart?

In addition to my studies and my working student position, I love helping people. The heart of my volunteer work lies in the association  Coexist e.V., based in Stuttgart, of which I am a co-founder. We have a great team and together we want to build bridges in society. As a Coexist team, our ambition is to contribute to the discourse in society as a whole and to contribute with our own identity. We want to be our own voice and offer others the same opportunity.

Feel free to check us out on  InstagramFacebookYouTube. I welcome any support and your participation in our future events!

Thank you so much for your time!

This post is part of a series in which we would like to introduce you to different roles at K15t. Read more:

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