Consolidate Multiple JIRA Service Desk Instances

Consolidate Multiple JIRA Service Desk Instances


Consolidate separate JIRA Service Management instances


IT support teams normally use one JIRA Service Management instance to manage multiple service desks. However, this isn't always possible. That's when you need a tool like Backbone to consolidate them into one.


Backbone mirroring use case.png


Backbone consolidates separate JIRA Service Desk instances
Backbone consolidates separate JIRA Service Desk instances




In most cases, IT support teams utilize one JIRA Service Management instance to manage multiple service desks. This method works perfectly most of the time – but not always.


In most cases, IT support teams who have multiple customers and utilize JIRA Service Management work in a single instance with multiple service desks. Actually, this is what the K15t Software Professional Services team does, and they all tell me that working this way is a breeze. They can view, filter and sort service requests from multiple service desks on the same screen by using  JIRA's powerful filtering mechanisms, letting them effortlessly organize everything in one place.

This method works perfectly most of the time (our support agents will testify to that). Most of the time, but not all of the time.

Multiple JIRA Service Management Instances Needed. What now?

Unfortunately, some use cases force you to work with separate JIRA Service Management instances. For example: if your IT support team starts administering a customer's pre-existing JIRA Service Management instance or your own company uses separate instances in different departments, you will not be able to consolidate them into one. Such situations are common in rapidly growing companies.

If you are affected by such a use case, you will know that having to switch between instances is a pain. You need to keep track of multiple users (including passwords), always be aware of which JIRA Service Management you are currently working in, remember where to find certain tasks, and continuously switch back between JIRA Service Management instances. This saps IT support agents' time and reduces their productivity.

Consolidate Multiple JIRA Service Management Instances with Backbone 

So, do teams working this way have to miss out on the benefits of working in a single instance? Not any more. We engineered a solution that lets you consolidate tickets from separate JIRA Service Management instances into one place. We call it Backbone Issue Sync 3.1.

The way it works is simple – Backbone synchronizes tickets from multiple instances into one JIRA Service Management:

Backbone can consolidate multiple JIRA Service Management instances into one

... letting your team work on all separate instances from one view. This means: 

  • no more switching between JIRA Service Management instances

  • only one user account needed

  • more efficient workflow

The synchronization works in both directions, keeping all stakeholders on the same page at all times. Even comments are synchronized:

Comment synchronization between JIRA Service Management with Backbone

What's more, Backbone's powerful synchronization options let you assign tags to synchronized tickets, letting support agents filter and sort them into queues with ease.

Try it for free

If you want to streamline your ITSM processes, try Backbone Issue Sync for JIRA free for 30 days on the Atlassian Marketplace.

Do you have any questions about Backbone? Would you would like to see a product demonstration? Check out our  webinar

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