We're Bringing Plenty of News to Atlassian Summit 2016

We're Bringing Plenty of News to Atlassian Summit 2016


Atlassian Summit 2016 is only a few short weeks away, and this year K15t is stepping up as a proud platinum sponsor of the biggest event of the year for the Atlassian ecosystem.

Atlassian Summit 2016 is only a few short weeks away, and this year K15t is stepping up as a proud platinum sponsor of the biggest event of the year for the Atlassian ecosystem. Always a high point on the calendar, the 2016 edition of Summit is sure to be bigger and better, with 50% more attendees predicted over 2015. Our team is looking forward to seeing you all there – read on to learn why!

atlassian-summit-keynote-speech.jpg Last year, Summit was big – this time it's going to be huge

Visit us and meet the K15team

Visit us at booth P2, and learn how  Scroll and   add-ons can revolutionize collaborative content and documentation management in Confluence, as well as cross-border project collaboration in JIRA. Our friendly team will be there to talk about the needs and pain points of your organization and answer all of your questions about our products and services – come by at your leisure and chat us up.

Book time with us: In the busy climate of Summit we want to give you the chance for one-on-one demos and discussions with K15t.  Click here to choose a particular time to meet with us – we don't want to miss out on a chance to talk with you. 

atlassian-summit-k15t-team-at-booth.jpg Get to know our friendly team of experts

The past year has been an exciting one for K15t: much like the Atlassian Summit itself, our team has been rapidly growing. We're delighted to be bringing two new team members with us this year, along with some names that you may already know. Our Summit roster, representing five different nationalities by the way, includes:

  • Stefan Kleineikenscheidt

  • Tobias Anstett

  • Milorad Mijatovic

  • Nils Bier

  • Victoria Armijo

  • Davin Pukulis

  • Laura Anderson

  • Peter Bastian

  • Matthias Gaiser

  • Michael Rieger

  • Roman Serazhiev

Want to meet with a specific member of our team? Email us at  summit@k15t.com and we'll make it happen.

atlassian-summit-team-photo.jpg The K15t crew at last year's summit

Special guests, special events

We are also excited to be hosting several booth sessions, where our team and some special guests will provide demos and give expert advice:

  • Wednesday 2pm:


     joins us for a session on the new Comala Workflow Integration in Scroll Versions being released at Summit

  • Wednesday & Thursday 3pm: BMW's Michael Merwald explains how Scroll add-ons helped them overcome huge enterprise documentation challenges

  • Thursday 10am: Michalina Ziemba from Atlasssian's IX team will join us for a Q&A on how Atlassian does docs with Scroll add-ons

  • Thursday 10:30am and 11am: our experts demonstrate issue syncing using Backbone in JIRA<>JIRA projects (10:30-11:00) and JIRA<>JSD projects (11:00-11:30)

Three other must-sees:

  • Wednesday 1pm: BMW's Michael Merwald will be at Success Story Stage B to tell a story of tech documentation success with K15t's Scroll add-ons 

  • Wednesday 4:30pm: K15t's Tobias and Matthias present Backbone Issue Sync at the

    Great Add-ons for Improving Teamwork

    breakout session

  • Thursday 2pm: our team will be at the Comalatech booth for a session on Comala workflow integration in Scroll Versions

Add-on updates and releases

We will also be showcasing several exciting new releases, updates, and previews that will solve more problems for more organizations than ever before.

  • Price Change: Backbone Issue Sync: a new, more firewall-friendly version that supports syncing based on email and file exchanges

  • : a new update that supports advanced Comala workflows

  •  and  : new versions for Confluence Cloud

  • : lets users define clickable links on images, turning them into interactive experiences

  • Scroll WP Publisher: lets you collaborate on content in Confluence, and publish it directly to WordPress

  • Scroll Metadata: a new tool that lets users add metadata to Confluence Cloud pages

  • Enlyte: a comprehensive solution that lets you create great documentation straight out of the box

Summit's best swag

We don't want to brag, but K15t has become somewhat famous amongst Summit regulars for our giveaways – particularly our unique t-shirts. 2016 will be no exception. We really want to find out more about you, your use case, and your pain points, so we'll be handing out sweet 'rocketcorn' t-shirts and handy 5-in-1 USB chargers to folks who visit and help us on our quest. Make sure you stop by before the last minute though – our stock of popular goodies won't last forever!

atlassian-summit-k15t-swag.jpg Last year's gear – our giveaways are always a hit

See you there!

Atlassian Summit 2016 will take place from the 10 – 13 of October 2016 at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, California. Remember to  book time with us if you'd like a one-on-one chat or demo. We're looking forward to seeing you in California!

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Join us at Atlassian Team '25
Join us at Atlassian Team '25

We’re premier sponsors of Atlassian Team ‘25 in Anaheim! Here’s a peek at what we’re bringing to the event this year. P.S. Use our discount code if you haven’t bought your pass yet.

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