Scroll Versions 3.0 Webinar and Q & A

Scroll Versions 3.0 Webinar and Q & A

A big thank-you goes out to all who joined us for the Scroll Versions 3.0 webinar. A complete video and all of the submitted questions and answers can be found below.

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Scroll Versions 3.0 Webinar

Questions and Answers





Q: Is 3.0 compatible with Comala Workflows?

Yes and No - Scroll Versions can already be used in combination with Comala Workflows.

In the upcoming release of Scroll Versions we're planning to have a closer look at a tighter integration with Comala Workflows.

Q: Is there an automatic work flow process in 3.0?

Currently the workflow functionality in Scroll Versions is pretty basic. There's no automatic transition from workflows and we're not planning to improve the built-in workflow capabilities. However we want to have a closer look at the integration with Comala Workflows in an upcoming release of Scroll Versions.

Q: Does Versions 3.0 require a certain Confluence release?

Scroll Versions 3.0 is compatible from Confluence 5.3 to Confluence 5.9.2 currently. As all our Scroll Addons are Atlassian Verified, we'll be compatible with any new minor or major Confluence version within two weeks after the release.

Q: are variant based permissions available?

Currently permissions can only be set on specific versions. There's a feature request in our JIRA system (see

Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.

), however there are no plans to add this functionality to Scroll Versions at the moment. Please sign up at!default.jspa

to watch, comment on or vote for this issue. You'll then get a notification for every status update on the issue. We are interested in your feedback.

Q: Can I turn off the “tip” windows for all users?

Once a  user decides to not show the window again, it will not be displayed. However, there's an improvement to turn that off globally (see Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.) and we plan to implement this in one of the next patch releases of Scroll Versions.

Please sign up at!default.jspa to watch, comment on or vote for this issue. You'll then get a notification for every status update on the issue.

Q: Can we change page's version from v1 to v2?

Yes, versioned pages can be rescheduled to any other version using the Versions menu.

Q: We have Scroll Versions on our development system, everyone with an account can see the version drop-down. Is this a configuration issue on our side?

The Scroll Versions related UI elements are based on the Scroll Versions roles. Depending on your role settings for Doc-Admins, Authors, and Reviewers, different UI elements are visible.

Q: Do you provide training for your product?

As we are both Marketplace vendor, but also Atlassian Platinum and Enterprise Expert, we offer workshops for all our Scroll Addons but also help on general Confluence consulting.

Q: Is the Include+ macro still available in 3.0? Any improvement around it?

The Include+ Macro is still available in Scroll Versions 3.0. Further improvements on the content reuse functionality in Scroll Versions are planned for 2016.

Q: How easy is it to deactivate scroll versions from a space?

Currently you have to delete all Scroll Versions related data manually (see ). For a future version we're planning to add the functionality to delete versions and clean up the space more easily.

Q: How can I convert an unversioned page to versioned page?

Unversioned pages displayed throughout all versions. Once an unversioned page is edited in a specific version, it is automatically converted to a versioned page. You can also decide to keep it always unversioned.

Q: If I don't have Viewport, can I publish multiple version into the same space?

Unfortunately it is not possible to have multiple published versions within one single space without having Scroll Viewport.

Q: How can I version pages which I don't know which version to go to yet?

For such scenarios we recommend to have a specific version (e.g. call it "Draft" or "Feature A"), work on the content in this version and once you've decided in which exact version the page should be available, reschedule the page version to the wanted target version or merge the version into the other one.


Q: Is the published version somehow connected to source space? Can I track if a content is published and from where it is published?

When switching to the reader view you can see which page has been published within the same space. Furthermore information about the publishing date is displayed. If you're publishing to another space, you can track the published pages by clicking "Related pages" in the Versions menu.

Q: What is the impact of the "Release Date"

The Release Date is an optional field in the version management that has no impact (e.g. automatic publishing). You can set it to any date, but still have to publish manually.

Q: I would appreciate if you can tell us something about the workflow: JIRA <-> Confluence. How do you administer that?

Versions managed with Scroll Versions are not connected to JIRA.

Q: How do you mark pages as belonging to a variant.

If the variant functionality is activated, you can assign attributes to whole pages using the Assign attributes entry in the Versions menu. On paragraph level, using the Conditional Content macro, the assignment of attributes automatically pops up.

Q: Does Scroll Versions scale?

Scroll Versions can both be used in small teams with only a couple of authors, but can (and is) also be used in enterprise contexts with multiple hundreds of authors.

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