Weekly Round-up: Team Communication, Evolution of Tech Writing, Targeted Content & Agile, and More

Weekly Round-up: Team Communication, Evolution of Tech Writing, Targeted Content & Agile, and More

Hipchat_Atlassian.png Here's K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from the HipChat blog: “How to Use HipChat to Collaborate and Build Culture”

How to Use HipChat to Collaborate and Build Culture

Learn in this video how Vector Media Group got 99% of team communication on  HipChat: "Getting work done with a healthy dose of fun has never been simpler."

The Evolution of Technical Writing

Nicole Smith’s essay provides a brief yet informative history of the tech comm profession: "Let’s examine how technical writing has evolved from the traditional printed format to a more socially-oriented presence online."  Read more

Commas Around Appositives — When and Why?

Writers, do you know when to use commas around appositives? Marcia Riefer Johnston explains how the presence or absence of commas supports your reading experience. And she asks: "Are you a-positive?"  Read more

Alyssa Fox on Targeted Content and Agile

Lois R. Patterson summarizes Alyssa Fox’s presentation at LavaCon, and gives her own spin on this topic based on her Agile experience: "Alyssa distinguishes between 'done' and 'done done'. No feature is 'done done' unless it has been tested and documented."  Read more

Illogical Page Numbers. Yes, Please. I Think!

And, last but not least, Adobe Reader's PDF page display option "Use logical page numbers" might be a little confusing:

Ah, IT logic at its best: "Do you want logical or illogical page numbering in your pdf Sir?" pic.twitter.com/EBioVofYI6— Mark Pack 🔶 (@markpack) November 12, 2014


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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