Weekly Round-up: Atlassian Summit Archive, Bad Writing, Multimodal Content Navigation, and More
K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.
This week's top story is from the Atlassian Summit Video Archive.
Atlassian Summit 2014 Video Archive
Videos and slides of all Atlassian Summit 2014 keynotes and talks are now available! Watch and learn everything from this year's event about collaboration with Confluence, JIRA, HipChat & Co. Read more
The Source of Bad Writing
Many writers assume their readers know everything they know. Psychology Professor Steven Pinkers explains why good people write bad prose. And he has found ways to escape the 'curse of knowledge'. Read more
Search is Not Enough: Why We Need Multimodal Navigation
Last week, Mark Baker wrote about the death of hierarchy, and its successor, search. In this blogpost, he adds why search is limited, and why search is not enough: "We need search, and navigation, and lists, and rich local linking." Read more
Coding Culture
Awesome lessons from Sven Peters on how Atlassian builds the right corporate culture for people, collaboration, and innovation: "Products come and go. Culture stays" – relevant for tech writers, too! Read more
Don't Let Engineers Design User Interfaces
Actually, many engineers do great UI work – but obviously this engineer (and later a tech writer) didn't have their luckiest day:
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Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?
Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.