Weekly Round-up: Getting Into Git, Customer Relationships, Visual Content, and More

Weekly Round-up: Getting Into Git, Customer Relationships, Visual Content, and More

Here's K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, content strategists, and software developers.

This week's top story from K15t Software: "That's Git! – Impressions From Our K15t Expert Talks (Video)"


That's Git! – Impressions From Our K15t Expert Talks (Video)


Git, the most advanced version control system empowers software developers, streamlines processes and makes teams happy and more efficient. Recently, we hosted the event "Getting into Git" at the K15t office introducing how to control versions and code with Git. 

See presentation slides and watch the videos.

How to Build a Relationship, Not Just a Content Promotion Strategy

Content marketing expert Nicole Sholly recommends to share something really important and to care about your customers:  "Create a strategy in partnerships with unbiased experts to enhance credibility and thus visibility of your content." (via  @socialmedia2day)

When Technical Content Contradicts Marketing

Technical communication (techcomm) and marketing communication (marcom) often contradict because of the factors described in this blogpost. The solution:  "Align the technical content with the marketing message by changing the message, changing the content, or both." (via  @contentstrat101)

So You Want to Manage a Product?

Rohini Vibha gives some insights about product management, its opportunities and challenges, and what no one tells you about the role:  "You’re not managing a product. You’re managing the problem it solves." (via  @nilsinger)

12 Reasons to Integrate Visual Content Into Your Marketing Campaigns [Infographic]


You are not convinced of the power of visual content or would like more in-depth information about visual content?

Then take a look at the data-backed infographic provided in a  blog post by Sam Kusinitz.

(via  @HeinzMarketing)


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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