Weekly Round-up: Author in Confluence, Add Styles in Word, Agile and Techcomm, Rebirth of the Intranet, and More

Weekly Round-up: Author in Confluence, Add Styles in Word, Agile and Techcomm, Rebirth of the Intranet, and More

Here's K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from the Valiantys blog: "Scroll Office: Author in Confluence, add styles in Word"


Scroll Office: Author in Confluence, Add Styles in Word

Oh là là! The Valiantys blog (also available in  French) explains how easy it is to create professionally styled Word documents from Confluence content with our add-on Scroll Office: "It goes far beyond Confluence’s built-in Word export functionality."  Read more

Agile and Tech Comm: Task-Focused Content in a Feature-Focused Process

Agile development should enable tech writers to create useful content in the desired formats effectively and efficiently, demands Alyssa Fox. Else "you end up documenting the product, rather than how to solve your users’ problems with the product."  Read more

The Rebirth of the Intranet

Intranets are dead, says Kerry Butters. Old-fashioned intranets are replaced by modern, social intranets (e.g. powered by Atlassian Confluence): "The intranet that we commonly see now is a collaborative one that looks to engage its internal users."  Read more

So You Think You Can Write?

A panel of content strategy and SEO experts give away their best writing secrets. Read their advice on how to avoid content strategy mistakes: "There is one reason your content strategy may fail – you don’t know your customer."  Read more

An Incredible Way of Making Developers Read Commit Messages

We discovered an incredible way of making developers read commit messages http://t.co/uH6khUZTrF pic.twitter.com/MCrD8Tx0nJ— CommitStrip (@CommitStrip) August 7, 2014


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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Sync Jira Without Apps
Sync Jira Without Apps

🧪 How would Sheldon Cooper collaborate on Jira? 🤔 He’d use Backbone Issue Sync’s remote license, of course!

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