See You in San Jose: K15t at the Atlassian Summit 2014

See You in San Jose: K15t at the Atlassian Summit 2014

K15t Software will be attending this year’s Atlassian Summit in San Jose. Join us in the Golden State for updates on our Scroll add-ons, and the latest developments from across the Atlassian ecosystem.

The annual Atlassian Summit  unites Atlassian customers, experts, and add-on developers for Confluence, JIRA, and other Atlassian products – from all over the world.

This year’s Summit will take place from September 9–11 in San Jose, California. We’re proud to be a Silver Sponsor of this event.

Learn From Atlassian Technical Writers

We’re delighted that Atlassian technical writers will be joining us at the K15t Software booth. They’ll explain how they manage extensive support documentation for Confluence, JIRA and Bamboo. Join us for a chat and discover how technical communication teams can keep pace with agile development and fast-moving release cycles.

We’ll also be introducing Scroll Viewport 2.0 – the best way to publish from Confluence to the Web. This all-new version boasts a stunning array of web content management features for Confluence.

Visit Our Booth

Come and say hello – we’d love to talk to you about creating documentation in Confluence, translating content and publishing it online, or in offline formats such as PDF and MS Word.

Here’s our line-up for this year’s Atlassian Summit:

  • Stefan Kleineikenscheidt

  • Tobias Anstett

  • Johannes Egenolf

  • Nils Bier

  • Christoffer Bromberg

We look forward to meeting you, answering your questions and showing you our Confluence add-ons at this one-of-a-kind event.

If you’d like to schedule a meeting with us in advance, drop us an email at

K15t_AtlassianSummit.jpg Pick Up A T-Shirt

We’ve created a range of awesome T-shirts. Tweet us using the hashtag #summit14 and mention us  @k15tsoftware – and if you visit our booth, we’ll give you a stylish K15t T-shirt, plus a cool Scroll content management sticker.

Still Haven’t Registered for the Atlassian Summit?

If you want to meet us in San Jose and be part of the largest Atlassian conference ever held, there’s no time to lose. Registration ends on September 5th, so sign up now to secure your place. We hope to see you there.

Write us an email to to get a 20% discount promo code.

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Join us at Atlassian Team '25

We’re premier sponsors of Atlassian Team ‘25 in Anaheim! Here’s a peek at what we’re bringing to the event this year. P.S. Use our discount code if you haven’t bought your pass yet.

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