Weekly Round-up: Platinum Experts, Writing a Lead, Heroes, Word Crimes, and More

Weekly Round-up: Platinum Experts, Writing a Lead, Heroes, Word Crimes, and More

Here's K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from Tobias Anstett: "K15t Software is Now a Recognized Atlassian Platinum Expert"


K15t Software is Now a Recognized Atlassian Platinum Expert

Co-founder and CTO of K15t Software, Tobias Anstett is delighted to announce that our company is now an officially recognized Atlassian Platinum Expert:  "Thanks to the hard work of the whole K15t team, we passed the test with outstanding results on our first try!"


Hero, Hub, Hygiene: The Content Strategy that Keeps on Giving

John Wilks explains the content strategy that Google has been touting for some time with special emphasis on Youtube. The key thing about this strategy:  "It works in a continuous, cyclical motion. You can begin anywhere." (via  @JonnieWilks)

7 Secrets to Writing a Lead that They’ll Love

Ben Sarma gives seven tips to get better at making strong openings. Leads are one of the hardest parts of writing, he knows from his own experience: "I’d like to tell you that the anxiety you feel over the lead is unfounded." (Sorry, this content has been removed by its creator) (via  @Digalytical)

The Top 6 Questions to Ask When Creating Your Content Strategy

Danielle Villegras has six questions when creating your content strategy. Additionally, she recommends asking yourself:  “Am I getting to the heart of the content?" Because this question is the key to produce effective content. (via  @daksys)

Word Crimes

Weird Al is Yankovic is coming to the rescue! Check out his latest tune "Word Crimes" about English grammar:

Alternative video URL:  http://www.vevo.com/watch/weird-al-yankovic/word-crimes/USRV81400343

Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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Join us at Atlassian Team '25

We’re premier sponsors of Atlassian Team ‘25 in Anaheim! Here’s a peek at what we’re bringing to the event this year. P.S. Use our discount code if you haven’t bought your pass yet.

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