Weekly Round-up: Build Amazing Confluence Add-ons, Distraction-free Reading, Agile Review, and More

Weekly Round-up: Build Amazing Confluence Add-ons, Distraction-free Reading, Agile Review, and More

Here's K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, content strategists, and software developers.

This week's top story from Tobias Anstett: "Build Amazing Add-ons for Atlassian JIRA and Confluence"


Build Amazing Add-ons for Atlassian JIRA and Confluence

Do you want to learn how to develop kick-ass add-ons for Confluence and JIRA? Tobias Anstett, CTO of K15t Software held a talk (in German) at  Java Forum 2014 and explained the basic steps and concepts.

You can also check out the English presentation slides  available on Slideshare.

There Are No Prerequisites

Techcomm expert Mark Baker knows that nobody reads prerequisites and thus recommends to get them out of your docs:  "There are no prerequisites. There are only steps." (via  @purplehayz)

Creating Distraction-free Reading Experiences

UX Designer Adrian Zumbrunnen wants to change the noisy and distracting reality of todays web:   "People don’t go to a web site to click buttons, they want to find information."  (via  @IATV)

Agile & Tech Comm: Adapting Your Review Cycle to Fit an Agile Model

Alyssa Fox is writing about pitfalls of the traditional content review cycle, and how to fit content reviews into agile development:  "Fitting your content reviews into the sprints themselves is beneficial for you, the writer." It's also good for the team if everyone works together and  uses the same agile tools. (via  @umpff)

10 Kick-Ass Technologies Modern Developers Love

Is it possible to identify which technologies are loved and chosen specifically by geeks, and to understand why they are chosen? Oliver White and his team have found answers and determined the  10 top technologies the modern developer loves.

By the way: two of them are Atlassian's  JIRA and Confluence. (via  @RebelLabs)


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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