Weekly Round-up: Speak With One Voice, Content Isn't King, Techcomm Map, and More

Weekly Round-up: Speak With One Voice, Content Isn't King, Techcomm Map, and More

Here's  K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from Acrolinx: "Speak With One Voice! Integrating the Acrolinx Content Optimization Platform into Atlassian Confluence using the Scroll Acrolinx Connector"


Speak With One Voice! – #Confluence

We at K15t Software are proud to announce another Scroll content management add-on that helps you improve the quality and consistency of your wiki content – Scroll Acrolinx Connector. Learn more in the webinar "Speak With One Voice! Integrating the Acrolinx Content Optimization Platform into Atlassian Confluence using the Scroll Acrolinx Connector" (Sorry, this content was removed by its creator) (via  @Acrolinx)

5 Reasons Why You Need to Overhaul Your Employee Intranet Portal – #Intranet

Elizabeth Stankiewicz wonders how much employees are really using intranet portals, and gives 5 reasons to make an intranet transition: "Increased productivity, easier communication, better collaboration, increased employee satisfaction and a social intranet portal suited to your social employees." (via  @Magentrix)

Users’ Advocate: Nobody Reads Documentation – #Techcomm

If people say "nobody reads documentation", they are right – according to Mark Baker. But that doesn't mean they don’t use them: "Yes, people consult documentation. No, they don’t read it. The fact that they consult it is more than sufficient justification for creating it, and more than sufficient justification for doing it well." (via  Techcomm Superfeed)

Content Isn’t King, Content Is a Product – #ContentStrategy

Scott Hutcheson recommends to hang up the “content is king” mantra. For him, it’s just a soundbite that isn’t really getting the job done: "If content is king, then it’s like the king on a chessboard: important but not very powerful." (via  @fabian_kern)

Techcomm on a Map – #Infographic

Sarah Maddox has created an interactive map to help us see what’s happening in the world of technical communication around the globe. But this project still needs help: "At this point there are very few businesses and groups on the map. Do you have one you’d like me to add?" (via FFeathers)




Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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