Weekly Round-up: Re-use Strategies for Confluence, Punctuation Marks, Content Design, and More

Weekly Round-up: Re-use Strategies for Confluence, Punctuation Marks, Content Design, and More

Here's  K15t Software's weekly social web round-up for technical writers, information architects, and content strategists.

This week's top story from Tom Johnson (I'd Rather Be Writing): "Strategies for content re-use in Confluence"


Strategies for content re-use in Confluence – #ContentManagement

Technical writing expert Tom Johnson has been knee-deep in Atlassian Confluence lately. He describes strategies for re-using content and handling content variants:  "Probably the easiest way is to apply conditional tags on the content. The Scroll Versions plugin is a nifty plugin that you can add to Confluence." (via  @tomjohnson)

See also this  YouTube video explaining how to re-use content with  Scroll Versions.

For Developers, a Little UX can Go a Long Way – #UserExperience

The software development process evolves. Arijit Banerjee explains why developers need to realize the benefits of the product design philosophy:  "More features do not necessarily ensure a better product—useful features do." (via  @CIDDmeetup)

The 15 Punctuation Marks – #Infographic


Curtis Newbold wondered why so many people use the semicolon incorrectly. So he created a  poster of the 15 punctuation marks in order of how much they do and how hard they should be to learn. (via  @ywsanchez)

10 technical writing principles to live by – #Techcomm

Again, Tom Johnson. He has been thinking about the most important technical writing principles he had learned in the past. For instance, #3:  "Developers almost always overestimate the technical abilities of their audience." (via  @tomjohnson)

Some interesting things about how we do content design – #ContentStrategy

"Web content needs to be designed, not just written." A video interview with Padma Gillen from GOV.UK, in which he explains what makes good content design and what makes a good content designer. (via  @Writing4Web)


Did you miss something in this collection? What blew your mind this week?

Please leave a comment if you've found other techcomm-related news on the web! Or send us an email to info@k15t.com.

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