Duplicate Page Titles in the Confluence Wiki (Video)

Duplicate Page Titles in the Confluence Wiki (Video)

Scroll Versions is our latest add-on for Confluence. It does not only support concurrent versions in one space, but also supports duplicate page titles. This means you can create pages with the same title in one wiki space, which is a must-have for any kind of documentation. This feature also allows for Permalinks, which means that the page title can change, but the URL stays the same.

It is a long known issue: Wikis do not allow duplicate page titles. Especially when writing technical documentation this is a real pain. Pages such as 'Introduction' are very likely to repeat within a set of docs. Just think about writing the user guide for your software: You've racked your brain to find a userfriendly and easy to navigate structure with meaningful page titles but have at least two pages with the same title.

It is not possible to solve this issue using on-board functionality. As it is a wiki core concept to have meaningful URLs, the page title is used in the URL. This concept involves, that each title in a space must be unique otherwise the URLs would not be unique. This leads to another disadvantage: Changing the page title means changing the URL. An absolute no-go in terms of documentation. With Scroll Versions it is finally possible to use duplicate page titles within the same space.

Introducing Permalinks and Duplicate Page Title to Confluence

Scroll Versions introduces so-called Permalinks to Confluence. This means that the page title can be changed, but the link to the page (the URL) stays the same. By that the page title and the URL can be modified independently. You no longer have to edit links in others systems to specific pages just because you've changed the page title.

As page title and URL are disconnected through the permalink functionality, you get the ability to set duplicate page titles: You can have several pages with the same title and just have to change the permalink to have an unique URL to all pages.


Watch the Screencast

Have a look at our latest Scroll Versions Screencast that demonstrates the duplicate page title and permalink feature in 1:53:

Available Today — Introductory offer for a Limited Time

This is the first of many releases and to celebrate the release of Scroll Versions for Confluence we’re giving you 25% off the price. Get your license now. This is a limited offer.


Get Started Today! Sign up for a free 30-day trial now!
Get it on the Atlassian Marketplace: Free 30 day trial.

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