Scroll Versions: Wiki-Based Documentation That Works
If you have not considered Confluence for technical writing before, now is the right time to have a look:
We are proud to announce the release of our latest Confluence add-on Scroll Versions.
Scroll Versions is our latest add-on for Confluence, the enterprise wiki by Atlassian. Scroll Versions adds indispensable features to Confluence for technical writers and any other authors of documentation or online help. With Scroll Versions you can manage the technical documentation authoring process in a new and easy way, right in the wiki. Using Confluence + Scroll Versions you get a powerful wiki-based authoring solution that is capable of single-source, structured content, (social) collaboration, and that scales to your needs.
Scroll Versions gives you the ability to:
Author changes that are scheduled for future versions of your documentation.
Compare two versions of your documentation within the same space, or even across Confluence spaces.
Create a permalink for each page and use duplicate page titles when you create new pages.
Enhance the way you reuse your existing content.
Enable context-sensitive for help your documentation.
Check out the key features of Scroll Versions:
/*<![CDATA[*/ div.rbtoc1742224920783 {padding: 0px;} div.rbtoc1742224920783 ul {list-style: disc;margin-left: 0px;} div.rbtoc1742224920783 li {margin-left: 0px;padding-left: 0px;} /*]]>*/ Concurrent Version Management Compare Versions & Compare Spaces Duplicate Page Titles and Permalink Content Reuse Enhanced Context-Sensitive Help What's Next?
Concurrent Version Management
Scroll Versions enables you to set up and manage concurrent versions of your documentation in a single space. Multiple versions of software, different product variants, and even multiple languages of documentation can be managed. All changes to pages are scheduled for a specified version and then published all at once.
Compare Versions & Compare Spaces
Comparing two versions of documentation or even the content of two entire spaces is a piece of cake with Scroll Versions. Select the versions you want to compare and see what has changed.
Duplicate Page Titles and Permalink
The Permalink functionality of Scroll Versions allows you to change the Title of a wiki page without changing the link that leads to it. This is very useful in large documentation sets for example, when there are multiple sections named "Introduction".
The permalink enables you to have pages with duplicate page titles (yeah!).
Content Reuse Enhanced
Bundled with Scroll Versions comes the Include+ macro. Include+ enhances the way to handle content you want to reuse on other pages by highlighting included content and showing additional information. With Include+, included content is embedded in the version management as well.
Context-Sensitive Help
Use your Confluence wiki to create context-sensitive help. Scroll Versions enables you to apply a unique key to every page.
What's Next?
In future releases, we plan to extend workflow support in technical writing teams leveraging the tasks API in Confluence 4.3. We also plan to enhance the handling of product variants as an additional abstraction to manage both product versions and product variants. However, we are really looking forward to your feedback about what features are important.